Crafting Your Own Herbal Remedies

As the seasons change and the desire for natural wellness grows, creating your own herbal remedies becomes both empowering and practical. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced herbalist, this in-depth blog post will guide you through crafting potent herbal medicine right in your own kitchen. Let’s explore a variety of remedies that you can easily make at home:

The Dirt on Dandelions

Taraxacum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, which consists of the species commonly known as dandelions. While currently viewed as yard weeds, dandelions have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over a thousand years and their flowers, leaves and roots were also used by the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. All parts of the dandelion […]

What is Wild Carrot??

Wild Carrot, whose scientific name is Daucus Carota, is commonly known as Queen Anne’s Lace. A flowering plant that is a member of the carrot family, which includes parsley, parsnip, fennel and angelica.  Where does it grow? The herb is native to temperate regions of Europe, southwest Asia and naturalized to North America and Australia.  Around our farm it grows wild […]